Most Affordable CT Scans in Massachusetts

In the quest for affordable healthcare services, finding cost-effective options like low-cost CT Scan providers can make a significant difference in managing medical expenses. In this article, we delve into the realm of accessible healthcare by exploring the most affordable CT Scan provider in Massachusetts. Understanding the importance of securing affordable medical imaging services is crucial for individuals seeking quality care without breaking the bank. Let’s uncover why this search matters and how you can benefit from choosing the right provider.

Cheapest provider in Massachusetts

When it comes to affordable CT Scan services in Massachusetts, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital – Plymouth stands out as a beacon of cost-effective healthcare. Offering CT Scans starting at approximately $50, this provider surpasses the State average of $390 by an impressive 87% margin for 521 plans.

Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital – Plymouth is renowned for its commitment to providing accessible medical imaging services without compromising on quality. Patients benefit not only from their budget-friendly pricing but also from state-of-the-art technology and experienced professionals who ensure accurate and reliable results. The hospital’s dedication to affordability makes it a top choice for individuals seeking high-quality CT Scans at a fraction of the average cost in Massachusetts.

Factors in Pricing

The cost of a CT Scan can vary based on several factors, including the specific billing codes associated with the procedure. A CT Scan typically comprises various components, each represented by a Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code. These codes detail the different aspects of the scan, such as imaging of specific body parts or the use of contrast materials.

Health insurance plans play a significant role in determining the final cost of a CT Scan, as coverage levels and out-of-pocket expenses differ across policies. Patients with underlying medical conditions may require additional scans or specialized procedures, impacting the overall cost. For uninsured individuals, the price of a CT Scan can be considerably higher, leading many providers, including Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital – Plymouth, to offer discounted cash rates for self-pay patients.

Below is an HTML-formatted table outlining the average costs for CT Scans at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital – Plymouth based on CPT codes:

CPT Code Description Average Price
71271 CT scan of chest $278
74174 CT scan of abdomen $197
74176 CT scan of pelvis $212
74177 CT scan of abdomen and pelvis $265
74178 CT scan of abdominal aorta $255
75571 CT angiography of chest $637
75572 CT angiography of heart $1800
75574 CT angiography of blood vessels in chest $2657

Other providers to consider

When exploring low-cost CT Scan providers in Massachusetts, Specialized Medical Imaging and Saint Anne’s Hospital – Radiation Oncology stand out as additional options worth considering. These providers also offer exceptionally affordable CT Scan services, providing alternatives for individuals seeking cost-effective healthcare solutions. If Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital – Plymouth does not align with your needs or preferences, these providers could be viable alternatives to explore.


In conclusion, the availability of affordable CT Scan providers in Massachusetts offers a beacon of hope for those navigating healthcare costs. While options like Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital – Plymouth, Specialized Medical Imaging, and Saint Anne’s Hospital – Radiation Oncology present cost-effective solutions, it remains crucial for individuals to consult with a licensed physician and their insurance provider before pursuing any medical treatment. By combining informed decisions with accessible healthcare choices, patients can prioritize both their well-being and financial wellness.

Dr. Paxton Woodland
Dr. Paxton Woodland
Dr. Paxton Woodland is on a mission to make healthcare affordable and accessible to all. With his expertise in various disciplines, he tirelessly advocates for underprivileged individuals, spreading awareness and working towards bridging the gap in medical resources. Driven by a genuine empathy, he offers solace and hope, leaving an indelible mark as a true champion of affordable healthcare.